For Sale

PEACEFUL 5-acre Lot in San Luis, CO!

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If you’ve ever wanted to live off the grid or have your own permanent campground or hunting base camp, this is your golden chance to own 5 sprawling acres of untouched pure Colorado land. You will have all the peace and quiet you could want, and there are plenty of places in the area to hike, bike, and bring your horses or ATVs for some other adventures. When you’ve had your fill of fun for the day, return to your property and spend the night under the stars!

What are you waiting for? CALL US NOW!

Asking Price: $5,199
Size: 5  acres
APN: 715-58-310
State: Colorado
County: Costilla
General Elevation: 7,535  ft.
Property Address: undefined SAN LUIS, CO 81152
GPS: 37.17156526175941, -105.70098479960215
GPS Coordinates:
37.1710668346947,-105.699772739128 ;37.1719558334203,-105.699929671294 ;37.1719556341493,-105.69996341858 ;37.1717009886088,-105.702059776945 ;37.1708304237772,-105.70190537165 ;37.1710668346947,-105.699772739128 Legal Description: R.G.R. UNIT 48 BLK 12 LOT 14 CONT. 5.00 AC
Power: Not yet connected
Water: Not yet connected
Sewer: Not yet connected
Roads: Dirt
Terrain: Flat
Property Tax: $53.16

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Property Features






Dirt Road


Not yet connected


Not yet connected


37.17156526175941, -105.70098479960215


7,535 ft.

Purchase Information/Fees


Document Fee

A additional fee of $399 to reserve the property is required to begin the purchase process. This is a non-refundable fee.


Closing Fee

A additional fee of $200 to close on this property with the title company.


Misc Fee

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